domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

How to Write Like Haruki Murakami

1. Write simply and carefully: “While the writing was deceptively simple, a closer read revealed that it was in fact calculated and arranged with great care.”
2. Edit out all unnecessary words: “No part of it was overwritten, but at the same time it had everything it needed.”
3. Focus on literal descriptions: “Figurative expressions were kept at a minimum, but the descriptions were still vivid and richly colored.”
4. Touch on dark themes: “A peculiar darkness pervaded the novella’s style … it was like a fabulous children’s story, but hidden down deep somewhere it had a strong, dark undercurrent.”
5. Write musical prose: “Above all, the style had a wonderful musical quality. Even without reading it aloud, the reader would recognize its deep sonority.”

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